a few weeks ago, i read an article in the newspaper. uh, that's spelled n-e-w-s-p-a-p-e-r. you know, the thing that has large paper pages, and you lick the tip of your mouse-clicking-finger and turn them as you read? the journalist was talking about social networking sites like bebo and facebook and blogs and how easy it is for prospective employers to do a bit of behind-the-scenes checking on prospective employees.
*ack!* that's freaky deaky. let's hope my future prospective employer doesn't know i masquerade as kate5kiwis (and not just cos there's an errant "s" at the end of "kiwi"). cos most people i "know" online use pseudonyms, or maybe first names. a lot of people i "know" online, i even know in real life. i sometimes read of scary fairy Bloggeur Meet Ups, where there's a bit of a road trip or a convention and peeps pack their axe in their suitcase (for self-protection) and then there's much unpseudonyming of pseudonyms joyous conversation.
i've often found myself trying to explain the secret identity of fellow bloggeurs to Bulldog:
lately it's been:
oh, you know, Saaaa-rahhh, the one who made me my petit sac français?
or Barb the Evil Genius (BD knows Barb, she sent us coffee beans)
or Lauuuura, the one who i made the elven bracelet for her daughter, and she unschools and lives in the states USofA?
or Hay, the one we knew for Five Fab Weeks, before she mutiny-d (if in doubt, make up the spelling) to The Windy City
or Sarah Bean, who used to be just plain Sarah, but i called her Sarah Bean once in the comments and so now she's SB and lives in a shoebox
or Floss, she lives in Cathedral City, and sent me my frou frou bag and she has four kids and...
and Bulldog looks at me quizzically and rather foncusedly.
there's one bloggeur that i keep up with who lives in France: Antipo, short for Antipo Deesse (antipodes, get it?) yeah, she's a loyal kiwi chick, living in a little village in France *ecstatic sigh* i first came across her blog two years ago as we were preparing for our little European Jaunt, and was instantly smitten. since then, i've made her a wee bit of jewellery and guess what? this week i've finally met her, and - she's lovely - and not at all an axe murderer. and now BD is foncused no more. he knows her real name now too.
Antipo Deesse and kate5kiwis at sunset, surfside.
au revoir, c'est moi, signing off another half-baked blog post with plain black font and no hyperlinks. but lookit: i've posted the photo. and dahling Antipo, your camera's in the post. that's snail mail. and you'll be happy to know that i even refrained from filling up your memory card with saucy photos of my nostrils. mwah mwah XX