kate5kiwis: sunshine intripliKATE


“If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth.” — Mitsugi Saotome

Sunday, July 27, 2008

sunshine intripliKATE

while certain parts of New Zealand were being lashed by a violent storm yesterday, we stayed safely inside (except for a quick jaunt into town to drop R15 at the cinema, and a rather eventful ride home where she had to jump outta the car to drag a *branch* off the road, cos it had been blown off a tree!)... Bulldog and the lads played squabble-opoly and i finished sewing up my latest *sunshine* storm:

ah yes, here we have three sunny-days-daisies aprons
for three speshal peeps:
The Gorgeous Debbie

(who *didn't* pre-announce her birthday back in june,
so *wasn't* surprised by moi lol)

and two of my fave Lauras

all three aprons are sprinkled with daisies,
sunshine and wiggly waves...
and sewn with lots of love from The Sunny Bay.

and what's with the conveyor belt mentality, you're wondering? well, during my teens i worked at maccas, where we made twelve burgers at a time: toasted bun, sauce, sauce, onion, lettuce, cheese, tomato, meat, top of bun... as quick as a flash (yep, i like fast everything... guess the movie line).
i'm thankful for those daisies days, cos i
often find myself making that many whatevers at a time for all of us. and i do find it easier to sew more than one thing at the same time too, cos it saves trying to remember how i did it last time, the next time i wanna do it.
it's rather blonde-logic, but there you are.


Blogger LeighLeigh said...

Isn't that line from the old Telecom advert - with Fast Eddie? "I like fast everything... I sleep fast, drink fast and like my internet fast..."

12:11 PM  
Blogger Sharonnz said...


5:16 PM  
Blogger Little Miss Flossy said...

Ooooo - I spied those daisies in an earlier post - gorgeous use of another vintage sheet?

We've been spring cleaning too... but, ah, went a bit over the top.

10:24 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gorgeous, Kate! :) You're quite the apronista!

4:12 AM  
Blogger Julie said...

Gorgeous aprons, I love the daisy fabric!!! X

10:31 AM  
Blogger Laura/CenterDownHome said...

You Sweet Woman! Lovely daisies against that dark blue background! So fresh looking! I'm in awe of how you do those letters!

We are stumbling around in confusion here, as Mark came home last week with the news that he has been offered a promotion in ARKANSAS. We've lived in this house for -- I forget -- 18, 19 years. ARKANSAS?? And my Meredith would stay here, in Virginia! I am freaking out a bit. I need a sweet, pretty, homey apron to sooth my frazzled nerves ... I can see myself baking, all calm and zen and stuff.

10:12 PM  
Blogger Setiuz Mama said...

It ARRIVED!!! What's more, it arrived at a really dark, grey, rainy moment in the day....so guess what? It so brightened up the day! I love it!!!
Thanks so much Kate. Keeping track of your whanau on the 'puter has been so much fun....loving this technology!
Loves to you!!

2:14 PM  
Blogger skatey katie said...

actually mine's from Charlie's Angels... but i think i like yours better X

me too! X

little miss flossy
yes, you win the great undercover agent award. i think i might employ your cleaning method lol X

rofl, yeah, you know it's all in the name of therapy! X

daisies are my fave flower too! X

arkan-WHERE? holy toledo, Batman!!!
have been reading a cool book called Passages. it's written in the eighties (yeah, it's ancient rofl) and rather affirming. will email ya X

oh yippee zippee!!
love and sunshine, always X

4:53 PM  

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