kate5kiwis: another little procrastinatory moment


“If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth.” — Mitsugi Saotome

Saturday, May 09, 2009

another little procrastinatory moment

i had an epiphany this morning.
i am finding essay writing such a struggle because i am not a linear thinker - you know - that and that and that and that and that equals that.
i am a swirling thoughts person - you know - that and that and oh! hop hop hop and this over here and ohmygosh that's fascinating and that and that and far out, whaddya think about this? and that and that and oh! where was i?
it's like putting seventeen books into a washing machine, adding water, and expecting to get five flat pieces of legible paper out of it when the machine beeps.

this is the latest scoop of cold water surf (yeah, i may buy happy eggies, but i am not yet an organic washing powder chick) that's been making bubbles in my head:
it's discussing the topic of the home environment of working class children compared to middle class children (like it or not, there are definitely the "haves" and "have nots" even here in Godzone) :

Diane Reay, for example, has noted the significance of family life/background as a "primary site of social reproduction". She argues that, in class terms, there's little evidence to suggest that different social classes view the importance of education differently. On the contrary, she argues, educational success tends to be seen by all classes as one of the keys to social mobility and success. Reay uses the concept of "emotional labour" to describe what she sees as the crucial role played by mothers in the educational life chances of their children. Reay argues that middle class mothers, for example, are "better-placed" (that is, they have greater reserves of cultural capital) than their working class peers to provide the support required by children throughout their school career.

This "emotional investment" works on a number of levels, from being better-placed to provide their children with "compensatory education" (help with school work, for example), having more time to spend on their children's education (middle class women, for example, are less-likely to spend large parts of their working day in paid employment) to having the status (and confidence) to confront teachers when they feel their children are not being pushed hard enough or taught well enough (Reay notes that middle class parents, for example, are better-placed to exert pressure on schools to dismiss/discipline teachers who do not, in the view of such parents, come up with the educational goods for their children).

read more here

cos i've seen this "compensatory education" happening in my life - in my own education experience, in my brief teaching career and in my mothering/educating years, especially since the kiddos have started skool; and Bulldog said yes, it's primarily the mothers who phone/email him to chat about joe and josephine - and now i'm wondering how to equalise this for our nation's children who have less cultural capital - because i'm all about mothering, and this and that and hop hop hop over there and *slaps self, closes window and fishes around in the washing machine, trying to rescue all those books*


Blogger Little Miss Flossy said...

I'm going to think about this one some more, my heart is constantly bleeding for these kids. Even though I teach in a high decile school, our school is a school of extremes. We have incredibly wealthy familes who send our decile sky-high and then a significant state-housing population who struggle with next to nothing. It's not enough to just love them but I find myself less and less able to do anything really useful anymore. Tim does it better but he's more and more like a social worker every day.

12:52 PM  
Blogger Little Miss Flossy said...

Maybe loving them is enough?

12:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i always found essays hard to start

i have 2 ideas
you could brain storm what you wish to cover and try to stick to the subject and paragraphs

you could just write it and then cut and paste so its in a more orderly fashion

if its any consolution I think you write well

Im having flash backs of education classes/lectures arrr!!!!
it was like a second language I must have understood enough I passed

How I loved education NOT!!!!

hang in there my friend
my thoughts are with you

3:18 PM  
Blogger Sharonnz said...

Hubby & I were just discussing the whole issue of class and education (particularly related to One Day Schools for Gifted Kids) on our "date night" this week. Class is hardly ever mentioned nowadays...refreshing to read your thoughts around this!

4:42 PM  
Anonymous the der said...

hey I HATE my process for getting stuff done and I really identify with your struggles. but maybe its not really procrastinating when its actually yr process.. ya know? cos you know you gonna deliver at the end but you gotta let it simmer and let the stuff come to the top that you wanna consider but then skim off, and youre left with a great soup (hopefully not peasoupfoggy sorta soup!) xxx

12:47 AM  
Blogger Barb the Evil Genius said...

Oh, look, there's sumfin shiny!

12:46 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gosh, heavy stuff! As usual I am completely split down the middle here, say no more Hay! Sounds like you are coping well though :)

3:06 PM  

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