“If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth.”
— Mitsugi Saotome
reddy freddy
oh *fantastic*, it's not often that ya go to a birthday party and take home a pressie that rocks the world as much as the one ya gave.
isn't she gorgeously vintage? sarah bean found her at the op shop. i have no excuses for my current apron obsession, cos i don't historically wear aprons; instead preferring to wipe my hands on my jeans or an unsuspecting kiddo-running-past. but this apron feels like a twirly skirt and already loves singstar parties and dancing, so i think i shall try her in the kitchen too.
oh, and i am trying in vain to go red this W*nter Late Summer, cos i found this amazing glittery heart pendant at my favourite bead cottage.
and turned it into a lolly necklace, for moi.
oh, but then i found a *candy floss* pinky hoodie, HALF price at the glassons sale. did i say *fifteen* bucks? extra long sleeves, fluffy and cuddly. absolutely could *not* resist. so i've spent the day pretending to be the pink batts man.
Wow you are such a glamourzon. Love the necklace. Awesome.
"I don't historically wear aprons."
Giggle. Why is that so funny to me? "Historically, Kate doesn't wear aprons." "I don't historically wear aprons either."
Does it make me laugh 'cause I have made myself part of History?? :D I like that. I will use it all day long:
Historically, I suck at Guitar Hero.
I don't historically wear make-up on Super Happy Fun Day, people -- deal.
I feel important. Thanks Katie! :)
(Love the twirly apron from Sarah Bean. And your glittery heart!)
oh you find the best words in the whole entire universe. i love that.
mwah and glamour-thoughts X
ah yes, cos i was tossing up "historically" with "traditionally", and i just did my usual blat-out-the-blog-post and couldn't be bovvered analysing.
and now i have a wee voice in my head telling me off for placing the adverb in the middle of the verb clause or whateverthehang it's called.
"Historically, Kate doesn't wear aprons." sounds way better than the mixed-up way i put it.
mwah and hysterical/historical-thoughts X
Lookit you... apart from the very cool apron I can't believe you're wearing like a singlet thingie! It's winter, or didn't you get that memo. Let me just count... yep, I'm wearing FIVE layers, 2 of them wool, inside with the heater blasting.
I wanna live where you live...
1. Good music choice.
2. I replied to your sister comment :)
You know when you did aprons the other day I didn't comment because I never wear them. And I do exactly what you said - wipe my hands on my clothes or yeah on the boys. I suspect that is one of the reasons I miss my cat so much - she was usually around to wipe some grease onto.
Love the necklace. You should have left your head on the photo though.
No, it was perfect just the way it read! I wasn't criticizing -- I just want to do some historical things myself, now! The day looks brighter, more exciting, as I plan to go down in history!
Oh, RB, you need an apron! If I wiped my hands on our fuzzy white kitty, my hands would look like I was wearing angora mittens!
:) how awesome to go to a party with a fab pressie and come home with one too - bless Sarah
I LOVE LOVE LOVE that necklace
you know the one you made me ages ago
My Home schooler spotted one similar wore by a lady on the telly the other day. I told him "ah yes but mine was made by the lovely Katie" I guess other people decided it was nice enough to make into a necklace too
have a beautiful day my lovely friend
now im off to see where the shop is
oh, we're not allowed to say the w*nter word up here. it's LATE SUMMER, we're gonna skip the cold/wet and go straight to EARLY SUMMER this year.
i actually took the photos in the setting sun, i just got enough light to press the button.
did i say *hot sunshine*?
love it.
I wanna live where you live...
that sounds like a fabulous plan!
love and sunshine-thoughts X
1. i don't mind admitting my addiction to anthony kiedis. i am currently lost in his autobiography, Scar Tissue, and loving it so very much.
2. i replied your reply, cos i'm conversational like that.
love and sisterly-thoughts X
i think i'm gonna use my aprons as grown-up-dress-ups. ha!
oh, and i chopped my head off cos my smile was so cheesey. i think we can do without the extra cheese.
love and headless-chicken-thoughts X
oh lol, yeah, words are funny things. so how was SHFD, historically speaking?
love and fuzzy-cat-thoughts X
glad you still love your necklace. the shop isn't online, it needs to be seen to be believed: niki has transformed the whole of her lounge/dining room into a BEAD TREASURE TROVE. there are baskets and bowls and glass jars filled to overflowing with beads-glorious-beads and shelves with toys for the little people and cups of tea for the mommas.
it's heaven.
love and red-heart-thoughts X
Would like to note for the record - I too am wearing a singlet top today. I actually was going to wear the one similar to yours, but get this....my boobs are too big!! Can you believe it!! 14 weeks and my cool/summery/floaty tops are too tight around the top. In the words of a song from Chris to Gwyneth "Your cup's gone from an A to D. That's bad for you but fun for me"....we are not amused.
oh wow, like... i'm back to normal in that category now, 'cept about three inches closer to the floor rofl.
what's this i hear about yet another dinner partee?
fabulous, love your nigella buzz
mwah mwah mwah X
Oooh, I lurve the necklace! Looks like yummy barley sugar - I wanna eat it!
Another fab design triumph for Kate!
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