kate5kiwis: miss, you're my favourite teacher. did you bring lollies? oh that's ok, you're still my favourite teacher. uh, because you talk to us... and stuff.


“If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth.” — Mitsugi Saotome

Thursday, July 22, 2010

miss, you're my favourite teacher. did you bring lollies? oh that's ok, you're still my favourite teacher. uh, because you talk to us... and stuff.

disclaimer: that title may seem ridiculously egotistical, but i've had a couple of I'm A Complete Fraudster Days and i need all the pep talks i can get. and of course other teachers TALK to the kids. i know it's really about the lollies, but i'm still writing the luffliness here.

i relieved/substituted a few art classes today. it's money for jam, really. anyway, this morning i rolled into a year 8 classroom, and the kids all called out, hi miss!!! and gave me smiles, and one looked at me aghast and gasped, but you're a MATHS teacher!! and i giggled to myself and looked at the teacher's brief (that's brief, not briefs) which was about drawing a hanging branch. so i got to chat to the kids about The Secret to Excellent Sketching (yeah, the kids all went miraculously quiet when they heard that phrase) which is Drawing What We See, Not What We Think We See (cos i'm such an expert bwahahaha).

and now we're home, with fresh coffee, and a thousand things twirling in the clothes dryer, and i'm bribing my own beautiful kids with an arty-farty slow-cooked chicken curry when their rooms are tidy. and i might even see if i can offer up the vacuuming for dessert...
i did give them a lolly after skool though X


Blogger Steve said...

You know I'd've done a helluva lot better at school if I'd be incentivized by lollys...

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Embejo said...

You are lovely.
I think I'll use lollies on my kids.....Um...oh yeah, I already do. All the time.

9:25 PM  

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