“If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth.”
— Mitsugi Saotome
my friend ang has recently started making the most divine cupcakes and having champers-and-cupcakes parties. she's calling her business "angel cakes" and was desiring an apron to wear at speshal functions and at the local boutique craft markets.so ang came up with an idea: would i like to make her a *cupcake* apron... and SWAP it for *two dozen* of these delectable delights...?ummmm, let me think about that...*snort*ab.so.lute.ly.so off i went looking... and looking... and LOOKING for fabric. i wanted something fresh and cupKATEy *cupcakey* to fit ang's brief of PINK AND PASTELS, and finally i found *exactly* what i was looking for... kaffe fassett.
*squeeeee!*is that not THE most *cupcakey* fabric in the ENTIRE WORLD? ah yes, i think it is. it shrieks *lollies* and *sprinkles* and *flossy sparkles*... well... actually it shrieks the whole of Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory (minus Monsieur Wonka. give me Johnny-the-gypsy or Johnny-the-poirate, or even Johnny-the-freaky-psycho-writer, but DO NOT give me Johnny-with-the-chocklit-coated-grin).so i gathered a few other bit'n'pieces and started snipping fabric and sewing and dreaming of all things sugary... spicy... oh so nicey and lookit:
the *angel cakes apron* (lovingly modelled by a tree at the park-over-the-road 'cos my resident model is weekending at her girlfriend's place) with:
pink chick "angel cakes" lettering
dinky pinky rick-rack and frills
***THAT*IS*THE*MOST*STUNNING*THING*I*HAVE*EVER*SEEN*** (I know I shouldnt be peeping, but I couldnt help it ;-)
O.M.G Katie, this is everything and MORE that I pictured, and you have captured not only the colours and style, but the complete essence of what *cupcaking* is all about - and I love the wording in this post... "it shrieks of lollies and sprinkles and flossy sparkles" and "its for twirling around the kitchen with a glass of bubbly in hand, sneakily dipping your fingertip in the bowl of ganache!" It's as though you have been peeping in my kitchen, and all I have been missing is the APRON Darhling... truly never to be repliKATED, you have captured my heart, and I am so blessed that you would celebrate the season I am in! Thank you for making 2008 that much more special. Love you xxx
that is AB.SO.LUTE.LY the best apron you've made yet.
That apron is WONDERFUL! Really, it brightened my morning, made me smile. I love your friend's cupcake idea, as well. I visited her blog, and her cupcakes are beeyootifull. :) I'm grumbling 'cause I can't have one with my coffee this morning ...
That apron is a work of art, and it makes want to eat lovely, fluffy cupcakes!
Oh nice. I could eat that fabric. Nummy. You are so clever. Perhaps when you are teacher lady you can run off thirty little aprons for the kiddos. Heehee. Off to look at cupcakes and pretend I can eat them.
That is SO adorable!!! I think you should get 4 doz for that apron!! :oD
I heart cupcakes but I think I heart this apron even MORE!
So sweet!!!
SOOOOO cute! I am super jealous!
That's fan-bloody-tastic!!!
Fantastic, amazing, wonderful apron, you are so very clever. The fabric is p.e.r.f.e.c.t....X
that is one seriously awesome apron.
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