kate5kiwis: strawberry fields forever


“If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth.” — Mitsugi Saotome

Sunday, November 25, 2007

strawberry fields forever

so, what do you do when there's two extra kids come to stay for the weekend??? firstly you play *squash* at The Very Convenient Bus Stop until the bus arrives
and then you all get on The Very Convenient Bus and go off on PROJECT MINTY HIPPO, aka Kidnap D18's eftpos card and Buy a Big Fat Christmas Pressie For Mum And Dad.
then you play all manner ot outside water-throwing games and spend hours skating and biking and watch a movie or two and eat everything in the fridge, and then Mum and Dad load you all into The Sardine Tin and take you out for afternoon tea
aka STRAWBERRY PICKING where you all spread out into The Wide Open Spaces and begin The Quest For The Perfect Strawberry.of course The One you're searching for is huge and bright red and hot and ripe and full of sunshine and tastes like The Divine Sweetness of a Very Hot Summer's Day.
and then you all get in the car and ride (groaning with full tummies) home again where Five And A Half Kilos of berries are unearthed from their plastic bags and Mum wonders WHO ON EARTH WAS ON *QUALITY CONTROL* ??? BECAUSE ELEVEN CUPS OF SAID BERRIES NEED TO BE MADE INTO STRAWBERRY JAM!!!!! but that doesn't matter one bit because now we can enjoy the memory of this weekend on toast for the next several weeks of breakfasts. well, everyone except Mum can enjoy the memory of this weekend on toast for the next several weeks of breakfasts, because Mum is still swearing off carbs...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

YUM!!! I had my strawberry of the season today too
It was BIG RED and Juicy
I know where to get more my wonderful next door neighbour told me

8:31 PM  

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