kate5kiwis: jaimee's wedding jewellery


“If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth.” — Mitsugi Saotome

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

jaimee's wedding jewellery

we're not able to travel to the wedding in january
so we'll be there in sparkle-spirit...
i've made necklaces, earrings, bracelets for all the bridesmaids..
i love these luminous german beads.
this is a self-portrait taken on saturday night:

hubby and i went to our ballroom dancing end-of-year party with the gorgeous *nearlyweds* jaimee and jamin.
loved it.

and yes, i'm wearing *all* the necklaces lol


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