
Wednesday, April 16, 2008

caption contest

it's been raining pretty solidly for *three* WHOLE *days* and the lads'n'i are getting Serious Cabin Fever, including D18 who's spent *three* WHOLE *days* holed up in R14's room (which now houses his ole desk) designing an Electric Toothbrush (which now has bristles *and* an oscillating head. yes it does!)

so in celebration of last week's *beach days* and in honour of last week's fave *beach photo*
taken by Nik-The-Artiste-Chick (who is fast on her way to becoming a world-renowned painter, i kid you *not*) who whipped out her camera at the beach and started snapping...

i whipped up these pink angel earrings on sterling silver ear wires,
which will be yours, *gift-wrapped* if your beach-chick-caption (which ya type in the *comments* box) gets
randomly drawn this weekend...
and yes, i was actually *saying* a movie line the very second Nik's finger clicked the shutter...
so if ya prefer, you could type a movie line instead...
mwah X


  1. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Wind in the hair! Lead in the pencil!

  2. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Oh, you awesome little chickie. Thanks for the sparkles!!! I feel so spesh.

    Will put my thinking hat on ... you kinda look like a blonde "Medusa" on speed, lol.

  3. I am gonna win the pink thingies:::

    "my GOODNESS Luigi she's putting sexy pictures of herself on the internet!!!"

    (ducking.. and asking.. did I win??)

  4. Anonymous1:10 PM

    "Fly with me and be free"

    That is the first thing that came to mind. You look gorgeous.

    Sorry about the rain though :(

  5. oh no! this is the worst... i can never be funny on cue, it just *comes naturally*...


    that "..." comment was from my mum - LOVE her comment, gosh, that one should win (of course, i'm only saying that cos once she wins the earrings, i can steal them whenever I want :P) lots of love x

  6. Okay, referencing lyrics from "Hair" seems like cheating it's so easy, but, still, it must be said:
    Shining, gleaming, streaming
    Flaxen, waxen
    Knotted, polka-dotted
    Twisted, beaded, braided
    Powdered, flowered, and confettied
    Bangled, tangled, spangled, and spaghettied!

  7. Anonymous11:40 AM

    OH MY GOODNESS how are you?

  8. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Tsunami? Where?


  9. hello pink angel girlies
    i had *heaps* of giggles over your comments suggestions!!!

    i hate the Random Number Generators. they're too *mathsy* for moi but i did find one on a site called "maths goodies" which sounds kinda katie-ish...
    rave rave:
    so without further ado, the winner is:
    #5... abbsy fabbsy abby!!!!!
    and dahling girl, do ya wanna know something funny?? i sent the bracelet to Grandma's but i wrote the wrong letter box number on it!! i thought you said #62 but my letter, it came back so i am gonna courier it to daddy's office in PP with my dahling friend ang in early may, k?
    and i'll send the *pink angel* earrings with her too, with love.
    got that???
    mwah X

  10. So what were you really saying huh?

  11. little miss flossy
    So what were you really saying huh?

    are you a Charlie's Angels fan???
    you know the scene where Natalie (Cameron Diaz) is waitressing at Corwin's and she meets Pete?? and Alex (Lucy Liu) says over the earpiece "Flick your g*ddamn hair!!!"
    that's what i was saying lol X


katie's chatterbox - ha! i think that's funny! but i'm sKATEy like that.