
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Sew Sweet

The sewing machine is whirring, whirring... and I am flashing back to my own teenage hours spent snip-snip-snipping and pinning and creating and trying on and unpicking and sewing and pinning and sewing and finally wearing.

It's twenty-odd years hence, and Woozie is dressed in her new fave black-bleached jeans, a pink top and my black felt-heeled dancing shoes, her hair is pulled back into a ponytail, a silver ring floating on a chain around her neck. She's stretching out on the lounge floor, snip-snip-snipping at pairs of jeans she's suddenly grown out of, strewing the carpet with snipped-off threads, snipped-off fabric, pins, scissors... measuring, sewing, squinting at the thread which is transforming yet another pair of jeans into a couture bag. Her lilting alto accompanies the whirring, whirring of the machine. She triumphantly produces her latest piece, checking the seams are straight and adjusting pins and threads, snipping more fabric and strewing more threads.

Her littlest brother runs past, gazing adoringly at Woozie's latest creation and begs her to make him a bag. At which she immediately stops her own sewing and takes him by the hand towards last year's mending pile, hacks off a trouser leg of a pair of size-too-small jeans... and in half a minute M6 is stuffing his own precious treasures into his very own bag.
And I am thankful again for a soulmate, a sister, a singer, a song.


  1. Anonymous4:24 AM

    Everyone who has the chance should learn to sew. It is indespensible. Boys, girls, everyone.

  2. She's a babe... there should be more around like her. Love the stories of Woozie and her Whirring machine.

  3. Ack! Just lost my nice long comment about what a sweet, pretty daughter you have! And the pizza will burn if I don't take it out of the oven NOW! Something about I-can't-sew, something about daughters and soulmates and watching "Lost" together so my daughter can explain it to me, something about cool bags -- again, ack! I'll return ...

  4. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I came across This the other day and thought of your gorgeous girl :)
    (It takes a while to load :))

    Where do I place my order for four :)?

  5. amber lee
    i *love* sewing, it's such a creative outlet for me, and things are *magicked* so quickly, unlike knitting, which takes me an age (cos patience is not one of my virtues lol)!
    mwah X

    yeah, you know me, i am not much of a pattern or recipe follower, but i *love* the feeling that i get from a couple of hours at the machine and *voila!!* something appears..
    mwah X

    *love* that we share the sewing buzz. moi, i am coveting your new lounge pants...
    mwah X

    *stinky winky* about the lost comment, i have taken to pressing CTRL-C before i hit PUBLISH, just in case... thanks for your luffly words, i am so glad i got *one* girlie!!!
    mwah X

    *skipping and dancing and getting IDEAS*
    check your email chick, i have a plan swirling!!!
    mwah X

  6. Ooooh, Like that one R!! When are you starting your own blog???


katie's chatterbox - ha! i think that's funny! but i'm sKATEy like that.