kate5kiwis: October 2012


“If you were all alone in the universe with no one to talk to, no one with which to share the beauty of the stars, to laugh with, to touch, what would be your purpose in life? It is other life, it is love, which gives your life meaning. This is harmony. We must discover the joy of each other, the joy of challenge, the joy of growth.” — Mitsugi Saotome

Saturday, October 13, 2012

it's time for me to have time for me

it's that reflective time of the year again

having just been to the brain-melting conference --- subtitle: collaborate. innovate. educate. (i'm gonna add connect + create to those three and call it my own.)

i have decided that it's time to lose those eight sneaky freaky kilos look after myself.

the last three months have been madness

  • month #1 preparing for ERO visit, ERO in classroom, great review, aftermath.
  • month #2 massive flood in house, carpet removal, glamping, insistence on house makeover / spring clean.
  • month #3 co-constructing national standards reports with students / cross-referencing to assessments, compiling student portfolios, student-led conferencing with all but two of my classkids, major crick in neck, writing cv, job interview --- i got the job! = 2 more years teaching at our skool --- secret garden overhaul, garage conversion to studio / rumpus.

  • all resulting in five o'clock wake-ups + manic house-clean-ups, huge crick in neck, no exercise, and general psycho behaviour.

    thank the universe for the skool holidays

  • physio fixing my neck.
  • danny graduating from university with a Bachelor of Engineering (Honours).

  • gorgeousness.
    it seems so long since the apron strings days.
  • writing a poetry unit + jacking up little classroom visits from real live poets.
  • ulearn conf. gosh i'm so inspired. there are about 150 new ideas i wanna incorporate into the classroom + i neeeeeeed to have a wee prioritise.
  • very, very excited that what i've been doing these past couple of years seems to be called elearning and it's all about creating collaborative + innovative spaces where we are all teachers and learners. for me, it grew out of homeskooling. who knew others would be doing the same sorta thing? and i can access a huge community at the press of a button. ha, the joke's on me.
  • i found my bridesmaid that i haven't seen for ten years!!!

  • starting again with self-care: exercise, water, food

    take advantage of the early-morning wake-ups + head to the gym.

    mon / wed / fri = bike (with a book) or cross-trainer
    tues / thurs = weights class or step class.
    drinking water, eating good food.
    NO junk food
    YES glass of wine at the end of the day
    goal = lose five kilos by end of week six + fit my dress again.

    continue with paying the kids to do end-of-week-housework rather than giving two thousand a year to a housecleaner. anti-jinx.

    get back on twitter + access my PLN / VLN.

    think it'll work? it'll take a miracle  #movieline

    Friday, October 12, 2012


    half-baked notes to self + links > storing it here in the cloud.

    ::21st century learning::
    education reframed
    engage me
    collaborative culture
    21st century fluency
    kids teaching themselves
    netsafe + cyber academy
    digital legacy
    is technology just a tool?

    ::keynote google docs::
    jason ohler, khoa do, kevin honeycutt, glenn capelli

    ::stuff i love from kevin honeycutt::
    kevin's learning tools by category
    network 4 learning 'service'
    digital citizenship
    raising digital kids
    charlie goes digital
    rescue time
    voice band
    google alerts

    glenn capelli

    ::breakout #1 year 6 - 8 literacy: collaboration + creation::
    the boy in the striped pyjamas wiki
    the hunger games wiki
    collaborative novels wiki
    waiau pa

    ::breakout #2 OTJs in writing + next steps::
    continue to use easTTle writing new rubric + moderation
    convo with students + parents

    ::breakout #3 collaboration::
    inspiring learning with fiona's year 13 english class
    chats + blogs home
    active learning through collaboration
    voice thread
    students chat themes, plots, setting, characters using shakespearean twitter handles on twitter or twiducate
    elearning planning framework
    answer garden
    google drive
    ::breakout #5 blended classroom::
    digital classroom tools vs elearning philosophy
    elearning wiki
    jacqui sharp's wiki
    elearning reflection
    elearning vid from nayland at tki
    oxford owl
    pic lits
    story jumper
    keep vid
    quiet youtube
    typing tutor
    study ladder
    tagxedo word cloud
    reading rewards
    jump jam
    ::tech savvy::
    80 ways to use google forms in the classroom
    40 ways to use smartphones in the classroom
    educational technology guy
    cool tools for skools
    ict help wiki
    10 ways skools using social media
    twitter is the best PD in the world
    the power of twitter as part of my PLN
    twitter tips for newbies
    nz tweeps
    more twitter tips
    the guardian on using social media
    teachers pro social media
    student voice through online discussion
    google fest
    google lesson plan search
    put the internet to work for you
    britannica through national library
    global classroom gdoc
    ::breakout #6 collaborative teaching + elearning::
    3 teachers, 52 multi-levelled kids. suits dynamic teacher + noisy classroom, strengths/PD in action, reading comp gone thru the roof.. mon+fri learning hub vertical classes, 'learning street', multi-levelling across four year levels, combined teaching using each teacher's strengths on same subject. tues - thurs own core class. classroom spaces: 8 desks, floor.
    team teaching
    more team teaching
    jo's kids
    j + j + j's class blog
    jo's reflections
    jo's EDtalk: icts + reluctant writers 
    elearning: what does the 'e' stand for anyway?
    elearning first steps + next steps
    enabling elearning min ed page
    enabling elearning VLN
    google docs presentations
    james nottingham
    • elearning future plan asap
    • google drive: docs + presentations
    • microsoft one note / video + voice thread
    • maths: recreate knowledge  
    • fixed groups/buddies for one term (introverts together)?
    • eTV, britannica/national library sign-up
    • twitter + VLN
    • collaborative teaching + classroom spaces