
Thursday, January 01, 2015


i know what i said but there is something wonderful about making a beautiful daisy chain and instacollage makes it so easy to blog.. enter the #100happydaisies series: 

day 1
it's a week and a half into the skool holidays. the other day, mum mentioned that she thinks it takes ten days to wind down after a skool term.. i think she's right. my go-to deskooling tricks seem to be a book, a beach, a wasgij, and then finally.. i make stuff.
well, TODAY I BAKED!! pretty domestiKATEd huh.. yes, i found this christmas-happiness languishing at the back of the pantry:
the lads rated it 4 1/2 stars!

day 2
raychie is freezing in freezington, so today mike + i upcycled her snuggly pj pants into heatie-wheaties to ward off the wild wet welly w*nter:

also, The Little Vintage Coat Went Out:

day 3
a couple of hours. . a little welcome, two new fishies, matariki stars on the window, our awesome authors.. #skoolstartsagainonmonday x

day 4
five hours doing my least fave jobs: fridge, pantry, plastics cupboard, ze nefarious bottom drawer..

day 5

day 6
first day of the term.. started on #100happydays with my classkids + had a fab game of longball x

day 7

day 8

day 9


day 12

day 13
this x

day 14

day 15

day 16

day 17

day 18
c'est fini.. only took three and a half weeks! #wasgij x

day 19
hazelmade's mischievous pixieness has arrived! we went straight out for a glass of cabernet and warmed olives..

day 20
sammo in our local arts paper x

day 21

day 22
day 23
chat-chat-chat-trip-faceplant #bloodymindenhills
"o captain, my captain!"
you made an extraordinary life. thank you for making ours extraordinary too.
day 25
texts with sam #firsttimeonthesnow x

day 26

day 27
ran most of the way. go me. go my fabulous personal trainer. #daisyhardwick x

day 28
spent four hours sorting half of exam week..

day 29
far out.. that's some serious air! #showbiz rehearsals x

day 30
michael #nomatterwhat #sideofstagestealthshot #showbiz x

day 31
bring back homeskooling x

day 32
the long-awaited saxomaphone #pleasecloseyourdoorhaha x

day 33
happy 25th birthday dan #rendezvousinvegas #missingone #crazycats x

day 34
meanwhile, backstage at the theatre
#rehearsalweek #showbusiness 

day 35
convo with joel:

day 36 
i got this free compliment at the theatre last night #coolerthanasecrethandshake

fraser aka super-stage-manager got "thank you for making a difference" and ze much-coveted smoke-machine-sticker-ficate x

day 37
"compression bandage" for my luge-sprained finger.. lovingly made by mike #12yearoldcraftiness x

day 38
happy father's day.. surprise visit + berry pancakes with danny! #bedtimestorieswithdad x

day 39

day 40

day 41
sam and becki - impromptu drama lesson! x

day 42 

day 43

day 44

day 45

day 46

day 47
Finn the Human..

day 48
#showbusiness after-party 
the girls: (s)ho(w) business

the boys: hello! (the book of mormon)

day 49
works in progress #squee

day 50
before-skool view from my kitchen window #nomoregetups x

day 51

day 52 
holiday vibe finally arriving // blackened fingertips stirring, stirring // lads musicking // orangey goodness appearing x

day 53

day 54

day 55

day 56

day 57
arrived at my parked KTYBUG to find a note on my windscreen from a kindred spirit, so left a note for her...

day 58
my poor darling car got a flattie half way to skool today (well, actually, mike and i were singing valerie at top volume, following merrily behind the skool bus and the wee bug accidentally nicked the curb at the stop sign) so i had to "get some bloke in" (she's pretty big job) x

day 59

day 60
dude x

day 61

day 62
sam, singing with the jazz band~ route 66:

my mike, singing with the acafellas:

black + white mashup ~ beauty sounds x

zenith ~ boy band:

day 63

floss asked for the recipe:

day 64
comment banking x

day 65
All The Things I Can Do Now That I'm A Teenager...

decided to print out my insty pics and go all old-skool on the lounge wall. also decided to use up some curtain samples that are still fire-hazarding the garage x

day 67
found the lost technology under the bed, found the monsters, found the carpet #epicmamamanoeuvres x

day 68
found this charlie-magic :: holy moly x

day 69
found outside arnie's office #prankday x

day 70

day 71

day 72
sneaked out to lunch x

day 73
jabba + the princess x

day 74

day 75
13th bday sleepover x

day 76

day 77
and so the fun begins.. somehow managed to run a tape measure around sixty kids today.. with huge thanks to my classkids for data entry + for teaching themselves/each other #epicmanoeuvres x

day 78

day 79
beach walking x

day 80

day 81

day 82
i love my mum x

day 83
at skool, on the whiteboard x

day 84
hair x

day 85

day 86
saturday lunch for eight (one's already been snarffed)

+ blackbird singing in the dead of night with dan's incredible blackberry-birthday-cheesecake x

day 87
scurvy brats x

day 88
i heard there was a secret chord..

day 89

day 90
hospital pass, the day after x

day 91
my beautiful baby has arrived!!!!! #mag2014

day 92
empty classroom :(
lost my syllables, need a cave, blackened fingertips, a wasgij x

day 93
boy band is born! x

day 94
Galaxy Defenders, guarding their mystery ingredients for "ready, steady, cook!" x

day 95

day 96
wingmen #parrotcostume x

day 97
christmas in the park x

day 98
christmas eve.. at mum + dad's making the mighty pav with this guy x

day 99
jingle bell rock x

day 100
all is (relatively) quiet on new year's day x


  1. Wow, what a most excellent and busy year you've had! Loved seeing all the photos. xx

  2. Hope 2015 is just as brilliant as 2014 was. :)

  3. I must appreciate the blogger. This is the most useful blog for everyone.


katie's chatterbox - ha! i think that's funny! but i'm sKATEy like that.