
Saturday, February 22, 2014

they say your dreams mean something

it's been a few mins since i woke up this morn having dreamed of mama-ing my "small babies"... i was looking for a place to hang up three loads of brightly-coloured, floaty washing. . and then trying to decide whether to bf my friend's baby cos she wasn't there and i'd left my baby at my mum's. .. then drifting awake to lucy-the-outside-cat loudly demanding food... suggested to a sleepy fraser that he feed HIS cat (even tried out a lion king movie line - which went over his head) .... so have fed her myself but she's still meowing. i think she needs fleas-and-worms... i am missing my small babies x


  1. Interesting that you say that. Was just in the hospital and had fond memories of when my babies came into the world. I know a lot of people are against hospital deliveries, but in my case I would have ended up there for both deliveries anyway. C'est la vie. At least we always have the memories with us.

  2. barb
    i had some (nearly in the car) at hosp + some at home. . sharp memories of each! defo a personal decision. . glad yours were safe x


katie's chatterbox - ha! i think that's funny! but i'm sKATEy like that.