
Monday, November 23, 2009

happy birthday charlie boy

still inspired by your incredible creativeness,
your love of beautifulness,

your attention to detailness.

you make the perfect espresso.
and when you play bella's lullaby
on the piano, it makes me go all sniffy.
today you got an excellence grade for
a french test two years ahead of yourself.

and this afternoon you got gok'd.

lovin' the new look.


  1. Happy Birthday dude! Lovin the look. So I guess now you're old enuff to babysit... legally! And as Tim pointed out last week, only 1 more year til they're driving. I really needed to hear that.... NOT!!!

  2. Happy birthday to someone who is obviously very loved.

  3. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Happy birthday Joelly!!!! Muah!

  4. Happy Birthday! Sorry I'm so late here.

    Love the new look too. Black and white is definitely the very best thing.

    Well done on your certifikate too, Katie. Fab news.


katie's chatterbox - ha! i think that's funny! but i'm sKATEy like that.