
Sunday, November 29, 2009

Grand Central Station

i think a whole year is long enough to be hermits.
something i love about our kiddos' mates
is that it's always an all play.
everyone, together, all the time.
it's been such an awesome weekend.
here's to a particularly unhermitty summer.


  1. Time to leap out of the dark caves and run wild on the beach!

  2. Yeah you were starting to look like a mushroom, get outside you pale-faced warrior woman! PS Laughed and laughed at Danny's quote, it may be our new family motto!
    PPS Got all my Year 7 reports done.

  3. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Go, go, go! Enjoy the freedom of Summer! I know I don't need to remind you to treasure every minute of it because I know you will, Katie-Kate!

    Hugs 'n' Kisses,

  4. I'm still getting used to my kids just hanging out and acting silly with their friends instead of the playdates they used to have as little ones. It's interesting to watch them interact with their peers.


katie's chatterbox - ha! i think that's funny! but i'm sKATEy like that.